This reminds me of the GE sign on the GE plant in Schenectaday at Christmas time.
When I was a kid, we used to drive by the plant to go shopping in Albany. At Christmas, they changed the lights on the logo from white to red and green. It was one of those things we used to mark time and know when Christmas was near.
Geetars. From the front: Troubador Octave Mandolin, Eastwood Baritone, Agile LP Flame Top Copy, Fender Rosewood Tele, Fender Texmex Strat, Fender Active Jazz Bass, Dean EAB Acoustic Bass
The top image is a radar map of a lake effect snow band. The bottom photo is what the band looked like from our deck. So to answer your question Joanne, the snow was out over the lake.
This is the first time we have seen the sun in about four days. So far this year, we have had about 21" of snow. Over the last week we received about 14". Global warming?